Marketing Plan Research Paper Examples

Marketing Plan for Windroid Mobile Phone Company

Brief Introduction of the Company
Windroid is a new mobile phone company based in New York, USA. The company deals in mobile phones that support both Operating Systems (OS) windows as well as android. Basing on this particular characteristic, it is named “Windroid”. WMP (Windroid Mobile Phones) has a vast network of selling locations, and to achieve this purpose in the best possible manner, they have opened their branches in all major cities of the state.

Environmental Analysis

According to Reeve (2002), the purpose of environmental analysis is to discuss all the internal and external factors that can influence a particular business in any aspect. Given below is the comprehensive environmental analysis for the underlying company:

Competitive Forces

Mobile phone market is exposed to massive competition in the US where several well-established companies including Samsung, Apple, HTC, and LG have raised high barriers in order to challenge any new entry. Following diagram is based on the figures and facts about this competition:
(Vasanth, 2014)
In the presence of these companies, it is hard for the company to show its impact and attract customers. There are two factors that make the company stand out in the competition. One of them is the innovation, which is based on the coupling of OS (windows and android), and another is low prices. Low price formula is implemented by observing the buying habits of higher percentage of US customers. In a research made most recently, it was found that American consumers like discounts and sales. According to the findings, about 40% customers switch to another product when prices of a product increase about 15-20% (Marketing Charts, 2011). The figure given below further explains this phenomenon:
(Statista, 2015)

Economic Analysis

As shown in the figure given below, mobile subscribers are increasing in number at a rapid pace, and the mobile industry is growing by leaps and bounds:
(Kukreja, 2013)

It shows that the mobile industry is fetching handsome revenue, which is a positive sign for Windroid.

Political and Legal Analysis
American government has no strict policy towards private cell phone companies. Federal Communication Commission (FCC) does not apply any kind of restriction on the production or sale of mobile phones. However, they have a monitoring law according to which the radio frequency exposure must not exceed 100 GHz (Prasad, and Sridhar, 2015). First model of Windroid mobile phone manufactured by the company proves perfect adherence to this limit with a range of frequency emission set at 33 GHz.

Technological Analysis

Several customers are confused while selecting between android and windows, because they like several features specifically offered by android and several other integrated in windows mobiles. In the figure, it has clearly been shown that the customers are almost equally divided between windows and android lovers.
(Haslam, 2011)
Therefore, in order to satisfy the needs of both the categories of customers simultaneously, Windroid allow for the installation of either of these two operating systems. Quick and easy installation makes the switching between both quite easy and desirable. So, Windroid Mobile Phone Company certainly leads in terms of technological innovation.

Socio-cultural Analysis

Currently the company is running its business in the USA, but in the long run, they have a plan to expand their business worldwide. The company have a solid plan for culture diversity management and consider it their motto to comply with behavioral, temperamental, and social patterns of inhabitants belonging to different cultures. Currently, they have launched two models to meet the requirements of two different groups in terms of income level: high-end mobile phone with quality features for upper class, and low priced mobile phone with low quality features to attract middle class mobile customers of the American society.

Primary and Secondary Markets

American market is a mixture of customers belonging to low, medium, and high income levels where middle class dominates. Keeping this into account, the primary targeted market of the company are the middle class US customers of mobile phones. For this purpose, the company has launched Windroid E81 which supports older versions of androids and windows, but is offered at lower prices than the prices set for same category of mobile phones by some of the best competitors in the market.
Secondary targeted market of the company are the upper class mobile phone lovers in the USA, and for them Windroid A20 (mobile phone) has been launched by the company with all rich features including 8 mp front and back camera, 3G, and android KitKat. It is priced higher than many other costly phones in the market so that it may become the perfect symbol of status in order to attract the attention of maximum high-end customers.


Product: As discussed earlier, the company is selling unique kinds of mobile phones with dual OS support (android and windows) in order to facilitate the mobile phone lovers who have their concern with or love both of them.
Place: Windroid phones are planned to be sold from the retailing channels. Apart from this, customers will also be able to book their orders online on Windroid official website.
Price: Two different models of Windroid have been priced differently. Windroid E81 is priced at $30 to attract the middle class customers which dominate the US market. On the other hand, Windroid A20 is rich with all amazing and quality features the price of which is fixed at $100 in order to satisfy the needs of high-end community.
Promotion: The promotional plan of the product will revolve around all important sources including electronic, print, and social media. Ads will be published in the USA Today and Daily News, which are two of the most popular newspapers of the state. Apart from this, TVCs will be played on almost all popular American channels including TSN, CNN, Animal Planet, BBC America, and National Geographic. Furthermore, more focus will be retained on Facebook in social media campaign of the product. In addition to that, communicational campaign will also be implemented by conducting the seminars in some of the top universities of the USA in order to directly communicate the chief benefits of Windroid mobile series to the customers.
People: The company will provide quality service to all of his customers and will make them a source of spreading their word of mouth through extensive customer care.


Segmentation: American market of mobile phone customers have been divided into two categories in terms of preference for operating systems. One consists of customers loving windows, while other contains the customers who like the facilities and features provided by android (as shown in the figure in earlier part of discussion).

Targeting: Windroid targets both these segments by integrating the support for both windows and android in their mobile phone.

Positioning: Windroid mobile phones stand apart in the competition due to aforementioned integration. This innovation (integrated support for windows and android) is at the very bottom of their differentiation.

Main Short Term and Long Term Objectives

SWOT Analysis
SWOT analysis for Windroid Mobiles has been given in the table below:
Need Analysis
As discussed in the above discussion, the launch of Windroid mobile phones is based on the identification of the customers’ core needs that has yet not been satisfied by any cell phone company. Mobile phone customers dream to be provided with such cell phone that has support for windows as well as for android operating system. All mobile phones of Windroid will be launched with this integrated support that has been a dream so far.


Haslam, O. (2011). Windows Phone 7 Now Ahead Of Android, But Still Way Behind iPhone (iOS) In Customer Satisfaction Survey. Retrieved July 27, 2015, from
Kukreja, D. (2013). One billion people, one billion opportunities. Retrieved July 27, 2015, from
Marketing Charts. (2013). US Consumers Display Price Sensitivity Retrieved July 27, 2015, from
Prasad, R., and Sridhar, V. (2015). Unlicensed spectrum holds key for broadband revolution in India. Retrieved July 27, 2015, from
Reeve, R. N. (2002). Introduction to environmental analysis (Vol. 5). John Wiley & Sons.
Statista. (2015). US Consumers’ rating of price sensitivity. Retrieved July 27, 2015, from
Vasanth, R. (2014). Apple Inc. (AAPL) Controls 42% Of The US Smartphone Market With Marginal Gain! Retrieved July 27, 2015, from

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