Good Essay On Ethical Concerns

Dealing with ethical issues in many companies or organizations is quite challenging. This is because by the company taking a clear stand on some issues may seem to be authoritative and denying its employees the autonomy to make some moral decisions on their own. However, it is important to note that for each and every company to efficiently and effectively achieve its goals and objectives there must be rules and policies that guide its employees in the activities they are undertaking. The use of internet by employees in their work place has recently been a major cause of concern to the management of many companies.
One way of ensuring that the productivity of the company is not affected in any way whatsoever by employee’s choices and preferences is by drawing clear guidelines that employees ought to follow. It is therefore for this reason that I believe employee’s internet usage at a company should always be governed by usage of policy and constant auditing be carried out to ensure compliance of the policy by company’s employees. This is very important and of great benefit to the company because of a number of reasons. One of such reason is that if the company’s employees are left to use the internet as they would like they will be less productive because they will spend lots of their time on sites which are not in any way related to their scope of work for example social sites such as Facebook and Twitter at the expense of performing their duties. This may negatively affect company’s profits since it will be paying for internet services which are not used for the advantage of the company. Employees may also use the company’s internet connection to post offensive messages which may subject the company to legal suits from those offended. Such actions may ruin the company’s reputation.
For a company to protect itself from liabilities arising from the use of their internet connection as well as prevent inappropriate use it should ensure that their internet connection points restrict or limit access to sites that they consider may negatively affect on the company. Such sites should be permanently blocked because once employees have an internet access to such sites they may be tempted to visit them. Human beings behaviors and actions are largely dependent on the circumstances or the contexts in which they are in. Their ethical decisions will therefore change with circumstances, to avoid such ethical problems the company should therefore take the necessary precautionary measures which include restricted access so that employees do not have options to chose from but to only access the allowed sites which are relevant to their work environment

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Good Essay On Ethical Concerns. Free Essay Examples - Published Nov 03, 2021. Accessed October 22, 2024.
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