Criminal Law: Ethical Dilemma Critical Thinkings Examples

In order to deal with this effectively, I would consider the best applicable moral rule and apply. Here, a mother has been cornered by socioeconomic circumstances to continue violating the law in order to manage stress while ensuring she takes care of her kids. My first consideration is the fact that there is a lack of support system for this woman given that her ex-husband does not support her. Moreover, her mother believes that she is paying for her sins and that she neglects caring for the younger children. Another cause of ethical dilemma is the aspect that she lacks a good job and the nature of her work may affect the type of lives that the children will have in the future. She is under immense stress, which justifies her use of marijuana.
I would defer filing a violation report to prevent the young mother from going back to jail. It will ensure that she is free and in a good position to fulfill her parenting role to the children. They are young and have a medical condition that requires them to be under close supervision and guidance. I will work closely with the mother in my capacity as the parole officer to find a better job that may help her maintain the same level of income. It is elemental to understand that I possess or have the capacity but not the obligation to file the violation report. The implication is that I will only file the report when I deem fit and feel that it favors and is for the benefit of the plaintiff. Finding a better means to cater for the children will reduce the stress and eliminate the use of marijuana. I believe that my actions are beneficial to the mother, children, and the legal institutions as well as a matter of ethics and not just the law.

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