Who We Are

EssayWeb is a social enterprise enabling students to shape their academic destiny. It is a service built on the conviction that the world gets transformed by well-informed individuals. We work to ensure that critical academic information reaches eager learners and gets the relevance it deserves.

What Are We About?

It would take you ten lifetimes to amass the world’s greatest essay collection. Alternatively, you could just use our database for free.

The papers eagerly awaiting a place in your browser tab have been crafted by the best and brightest writers in the EssayWeb family. They have put $1 million worth of writing within your fingers’ reach. And you can use it without paying a cent.

Before the creation of EssayWeb, it used to be a truly radical idea that academic knowledge should be disseminated for free. Now, thousands of students use open learning resources on a regular basis. This is the way it is supposed to be – the EssayWeb way.

Our Mission

Our mission is to drive academic excellence among college students by being their reliable source of academic knowledge. Along with the best writers in the academic community, we strive to combat underachievement and bring new ways of studying into focus.


Who are the pillars of the EssayWeb community? Our writers are trained professionals with degrees from well-acclaimed colleges of the country. They have taken the responsibility and authority of educational leadership to narrow the achievement gulf for struggling students. To tackle the wide-spread impediments to comprehensive studying, the writers have contributed their previously-unpublished papers to this database.

Our Objectives

  • To Enlighten

Our main goal is to create the largest open repository of academic information that can enlighten eager knowledge seekers. We don’t want to inhibit the flow of information, which is why no one is charged for reading our samples. As such, they are public goods with non-discriminatory access. Through the mastery of writing techniques contained within our samples, you can reach any educational goal you have in mind.

  • To Discover

We strive to discover unique, publication-worthy academic papers that can enrich the global student community. Our curators work hard to find high quality, ambitious materials that can spark your interest and act as a creative trigger for your own writing.

  • To Publish

Once we discover great content, it is stored in our database, where it can be accessed by thousands of students. The beneficial learning experiences driven by our essay writing services can spark real change in the world.

How EssayWeb Works

Take a quick look at an essay you are writing. If it is coming together well, carry on. You have surpassed the need for our paper samples. If, however, your writing is stilted or cumbersome, use this paper database organized by disciplines, types, and topics. Find your favorite sample and use it to boost your creativity and accelerate your academic project. After all, writing is a lot more enjoyable when you have the right example to follow.

The dissemination of free educational materials helps create unique learning experiences for our users. Specifically, EssayWeb nurtures your natural capacity for creative insight. When reading our paper samples, you can gain knowledge generated in response to them rather than through them. This approach to studying the craft of writing is much more effective than the rote accumulation of facts.

Since you can study our papers without restricting the possibility of other students to use EssayWeb, the educational experiences created are communal. Keep reading to understand how you can help the student community.

You Can Help

Our contributors have taken it upon themselves to create a more equitable educational world. By all indications, their efforts have already yielded positive results. However, there is still a lot of progress to be made, which is why they need your help. What can you do? Spread the word about this service among your classmates and share our link on your social media. Thus, you can enact improvements on both local and communal levels as well as bring the sense of educational equity to the world at large. You can also carry much more clout by contributing your best writing to our database. Let’s make the world better together!

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